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Time Management Techniques for Working from Home

Even before the pandemic, we were a remote team (hence the ‘virtual’ in Virtual CFO!). Our team has needed good remote working strategies in place, right from the get-go. So we’re well versed in both the challenges and benefits of working from home.

Time management techniques for working from home all have to do with better planning. Ultimately, you’re in charge, so you have to map out your work ahead of time if you want to be most productive.

We’ve already covered how to stay productive when working from home. Now let’s jump into how to manage your time better when it’s just ‘me, myself, and I’ at the ‘office’ all day.

Plan Your Time

Depending on the nature of their work, some remote employees will have to stick to strict working hours, just as if they were coming into an office.

But for many of us, working from home offers us the freedom to find a schedule that works best for our lives and other commitments. That doesn’t mean, though, that you should roll out of bed whenever you feel like it, work whenever you feel like it, and change course whenever you feel like it.

It may take a little experimentation at first, but make a daily schedule for yourself, and stick to it. Write it down, and share it with your team, so that you’ll be more likely to hold yourself accountable.

If you’ve been struggling with at-home work, you might be surprised what a difference a real schedule can make.

Plan Your Breaks

Part of managing your own time is managing your own breaks. We all need breaks to avoid burnout and stay productive. Again, exactly when to take breaks will be individualized, but make sure you’re scheduling them in – and then actually sticking to them.

Plan Your Physical Space

We’re (sadly) well more than a year into the pandemic. And (sadly), things are far from back to normal. The reality is that most of can expect to work from home at least some of the time, well into the future.

So take the time to set up a workstation that is separate from the rest of your home/life. Even if that’s just clearing out a closet for your desk, having separate spaces for work and not-work can help you stick to that schedule we just discussed. When you have a place to ‘go,’ it’s easier to manage your time once you’re there.

Plan Your Digital Space

This is really key for managing your time at home. Make sure you’re using an app or software that helps your keep track of your time, your schedule, and your tasks. For example, Asana is one of our favourite apps for remote teams. It’s a great way to keep on-track and stay in-the-loop regarding projects, workflows, and team collaboration.

And while we’re on the topic of your digital world, try to set some guidelines regarding your own use of social media and other online distractions while ‘on the clock.’ You wouldn’t let your boss catch you killing time on Instagram, and it’s probably not best idea for when you’re working at home, either.

Plan To Connect

When we feel disconnected, it’s easy to feel unmotivated and start wasting time. To counter this, make connecting with your team part of your regular routine. See our tips on how to keep your remote team connected here. Finally, if you’re struggling with time management while working from home, maybe it’s time to take a few tasks off your to-do list. We love helping tech-based startups stay in control of their finances, so they can focus on what matters. To find out if a Virtual CFO is right for you, please reach out.

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